From: support@binsk․limbsys․cum

Subject:  Let us worry about the cookies!

The holiday season is in full swing, and our employees are working round the clock to provide our customers with the quality service and unrivalled value they know and love.
And what better way to facilitate that nonstop hustle, and/or bustle, than caffeine! The Binsk Corporation is proud to present its workers with new, state-of-an-art coffee stations in every qualifying breakroom!
Fully stocked, maintained, and checked in on semi-frequently, the Binsk Bean Brew Bar has everything a good employee needs to stay productive.

And that's where you come in!
Specifically, the milk container. With the rising cost of dairy, and the growing audacity of artificial creamers, with flavors such as "chocolate mango" and "hyperion mint sensate," our accounting department tells us it only makes sense to use our pre-existing, in-house assets to fill out the bar! Specifically, you. And, specifically, the milk container.

Plus, with your hearty diet of being repeatedly pumped full of our patented Special Chemicals, you'll be providing our employees with all the nutrition they require, and would otherwise waste valuable time obtaining through unprofitable activities such as eating, or experiencing daylight. The Binsk Corporation cares deeply and lawfully about the health of all its workers!
As such, to protect them from any potentially hazardous by-products, you will no longer be treated with the less-patented Other Chemicals which promote increased productivity.
This means you'll only have the automated milking machine to aid you in keeping up with demand, but don't worry: we've set it to maximum power, and we believe in you!
Failure to keep up with demand will be met with disciplinary action.

What's more, as a reward for all their hard work, the employee with the highest scoring end-of-season performance review will get full ownership of you for the following season!* Since both this and access to the Binsk Bean Brew Bar legally count as their holiday bonuses, you can bet the competition will be fierce. So make sure to be a good little incentive, and increase your designated team's productivity as much as you can!
Inadequate incentivization will be met with disciplinary action.

Thank you for helping us fill the world with holiday cheer, by filling your tank with every last drop the machine can milk from you!

*Please note that -- in the spirit of fairness -- we have delayed the next production cycle by at least one season to ensure the winner is sufficiently able to enjoy their reward.